Jacques Levesque, the CEO of Transform Management Consulting, is the adviser to Board Chairs, CEOs and executives who demand excellence.
He has a passion for applying practical approaches to corporate governance, developing action-oriented strategic planning and innovative facilitation that generates exceptional results.
He brings his extensive experience as a CEO, Chair, Director, certified Coach and Facilitator to provide practical solutions and new perspectives to the challenges at Board of Directors and Executive levels.
"Jacques demonstrates a wonderful grasp of governance issues and their application in a variety of circumstances. He uses his experience to advantage to bring a practical perspective to the material."
Cynthia Currie,
Chairperson, National Farm Products Council
For example, a governance review project will include applying best practices, facilitating a workshop and coaching the Board and Chair to develop and implement your action plan. Achieving a successful outcome to the project is often dependent on combining our management consulting services.
We believe that the principles of effective strategic planning, governance or facilitation remain constant, but their processes and application should be adapted to meet your needs.